Views: 8 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2019-04-16 Origin: Site
Vending machines are everywhere in our life. It brings us coffee whenever we want to have one cup, today let’s talk about some questions you will encounter in the usage of vending motors.
1. Burn out, someone machine factories are worried that the machine will be burn out in special occasion, like being stuck. For instance, the geared motor works to grind coffee bean as per the settled speed, but all of a sudden, the bean drops off too fast to make a stall torque, the motor will be destroyed directly if you do not customize a protective device, but if we make a clutch there, once the outside force over the geared motor itself capacity, clutch works and protects inside gears from damage. Clutch is a necessary device in coffee vending machine motor, to narrow the possibility of settling wrong stall torque down, we bought a torque wrench which can light and alarm. The worker won’t make a wrong torque accidentally.
2. Noise, some vending machine manufacturers complain of big noise. In some cases, incorrect washer diameter leads to noise problem, correct selection of washer size solves the problem efficiently, the washer has to match output shaft tightly and needs to be covered by special material in case of rub against each other.